Every year, members of the Peucinian Society gather at the Museum of Art steps to read the entire Iliad. It takes most of the day.
Author Archives: Lorenzo Meigs '21
Clashing Ideas While Staying Friends
Bowdoin New Article – May, 2019: Clashing Ideas While Staying Friends
Among the Pines with the Peucinian Society
Bowdoin Orient Article May, 2018: Among the Pines with the Peucinian Society
Constitution Day
In honor of Constitution Day, Sept. 17, students from the Peucinian Society, Bowdoin College Democrats and Bowdoin College Republicans read parts of the Constitution of the United States yesterday on the steps of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art.
The Examined Life: A Night with the Peucinian Society
Bowdoin Orient Article – October 2012: The Examined Life: A Night with the Peucinian Society
Homerathon 2012
Last Friday, members of the 207-year-old Peucinian Society — a literary group and Bowdoin’s oldest student organization — read the complete Iliad aloud from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art steps. The reading took 11 Peucinian members 15 hours and 21 minutes to complete.