Ashley Bomboka ’16
Ashley Bomboka ’16
My name is Ashley Bomboka, and I am a member of the class of 2016. I am a Government and Africana-Studies double major with a minor in Educational Studies. In addition to AFAM, I co-lead the Women of Color Coalition. In my spare time I write poetry, go on long walks in Brunswick, and practice Tai-Chi. My favorite places on campus are the Stacks, the quad, and Russwurm House.
The president shall: preside at all meetings and may vote only to break a tie; be the official representative of the organization in business transactions and other affairs subject to the authorization of the CC; have general responsibility of the affairs of the organization; shall perform all duties incidental to the office; attend all CC meetings.

Daisha Roberts ’16
Vice President
Daisha Roberts ’16
My name is Daisha Roberts. I am currently the Vice President of the African-American Society. I am a Psychology and Africana Studies double major. One of my favorite things to do is travel, so last year I had the opportunity to study abroad in Accra Ghana for the Fall semester and Spelman College in Atlanta for the Spring semester. I am also a big believer in creating your own path in life so this past summer I was able to start my own company called Noir Natural Products which is a natural hair care line. My goal this year is to see the AM grow together physically, mentally, academically, and emotionally, but to also make this year memorable and enjoyable.
The Vice President, in the absence or incapacity of the President shall: perform the duties of that officer, and duties incidental to the office; be responsible for welcoming new students and maintaining members’ interest in the Society, coordinate fund raising for Society self-sufficiency; maintain contact with community organizations; attend all CC meetings; The role of Vice-President may be a duo position at the discretion of the Society. Candidates for election may not run in pairs.

Mariam Nimaga ’17
Mariam Nimaga ’17
Hi! I’m Mariam. I’m from NYC. I am currently a junior at Bowdoin. I am the secretary for AfAm. I am majoring in English and minoring in Africana Studies.
The secretary shall have the responsibility for internal secretarial duties including the announcements of meetings, taking notes,the posting of minutes; maintain contact with other Maine schools, including Bates, Colby, and the University of Maine at Orono and their respective multicultural organizations; and attend all CC meetings.

Jasmine Austrie ’17
Jasmine Austrie ’17
I joined the African American Society to help maintain a sense of community for Bowdoin students, especially those who identify as Black. This group has helped me become accustomed to living away from home and I hope to do the same for the new members. I am a member of Peer Health, I’m an academic mentor, and I work in the C-store and Buck Fitness Center.
The treasurer shall: be responsible for monitoring the society’s finances at all times; sign all vouchers and expenditures; draft the budget for the Student Activities Fee Committee; investigate ways to raise funds other than through College budgets (e.g. grants, alumni, etc.); communicate with alumni about potential funding; attend all CC meetings.

Justin Weathers ’18
Minister of Public Relations
Justin Weathers ’18
Justin Weathers is a member of the Bowdoin Class of 2018 and Minister of Public Relations for the African American Society. Justin was born and raised in Baltimore City and attended McDonogh School for middle and high school. In addition to serving on the board for the African American Society, Justin also runs track, does improv, and is a member of the Judicial Board for Bowdoin College. Justin intends to be a government & legal studies and africana studies double major with a minor in english.
The Minister of Public Relations shall: be concerned with all campus and off-campus publicity and correspondence; be responsible for publicizing events effectively, using the necessary means; and maintain the Facebook group; attend CC meetings.
In conjunction with the Secretary, the Minister of Public Relations will maintain contact with black alumni, and correspondence with black organizations in the community and at other New England schools.

Rebkah Tesfamariam ’18
Minister of Culture & Education
Rebkah Tesfamariam ’18
Rebkah is the Minister of Culture and Education for Af-Am this year, working to connect the society to other spaces on and off campus. She is a sophomore on the Pre-Med track with a major in Gender, Sexuality, and Gender Studies. Besides Af-Am, she also works for the Women’s Resource Center and is on Residential Life. A Pittsburgh, PA native, she enjoys running outside and hanging out with friends.
The Minister of Education shall: be responsible for all educational programs for the Society, including the development of topics for political and cultural discussions, workshops, and any other programs sponsored by the Society; provide tutorial assistance through a self-help network;generate ideas for cultural activities presented by the Society throughout the academic year, including Holiday celebrations, parties, etc.; be the contact person for all proposed co-sponsorship with other campus organizations, per approval of the Society; attend all CC meetings.

Grayce Niles
Grayce Niles
My name is Grayce Niles and I’m the historian for the African-American society this year. I was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland, which is right outside the city. In addition to Af-Am, I am a proctor on Residential Life Staff and I participate in the Falcon Friends mentoring program at Bowdoinham Elementary School and Project Sunshine through the McKeen Center. I’m currently intending on majoring in Psychology with a minor/double major in either Spanish or History.
The historian shall: have the responsibility of the maintenance and organization of the society files; attend all society functions documenting the society’s activities; creating an annual photo-journal for the society; maintaining the historian’s office and attend all CC meetings.In conjunction with the Minister of Public Relations, the Historian will work to manage the Facebook group.

Mohamed Nur
First-Year Representatives
Mohamed Nur
Two first-year students shall be elected by the General Body within the first month of the fall semester and must attend all CC meetings and general meetings. These positions are necessary to orient the first-year students to the goals of the Society. These positions will be filled by a male and female student, ideally.The representatives must plan two events, one during the fall and one in the spring semester for the Society. The representatives are also responsible with planning the end of the year Senior BBQ.
Donald Detchou

Donald Detchou
Two first-year students shall be elected by the General Body within the first month of the fall semester and must attend all CC meetings and general meetings. These positions are necessary to orient the first-year students to the goals of the Society. These positions will be filled by a male and female student, ideally.The representatives must plan two events, one during the fall and one in the spring semester for the Society. The representatives are also responsible with planning the end of the year Senior BBQ.
House Resident

Marina Affo ’17
Fall: Marina Affo ’17
My name is Marina Affo and I am a member of the class of 2017. At Bowdoin I am also a tour guide, a publicity intern for Career Planning, a McKeen Fellow, a grill cook at the Pub and I help run Bowdoin Instagram. I am a double major in Government & Legal Studies and History. I was born in Togo (West Africa) and raised in Lewiston, Maine.

Sarah Washington ’17
Spring: Sarah Washington ’17
My name is Sarah Washington and I am a junior from Washington DC. I am a double major in Africana Studies and Government and Legal Studies. I am currently abroad studying Politics and Middle East Studies at SOAS, University of London. After graduation, I plan to go to law school and work as a legal advocate for marginalized communities. Outside of the African American Society, I participate in Students for Justice in Palestine and Bowdoin Advocates for Human Rights (formerly Bowdoin Amnesty)