Netflix began phasing in the “skip intro” button in March of 2017. As its name implies, the skip intro button allows Netflix users to fast forward through the title sequences of all of their favorite shows, saving them from the relentlessly tiring task of watching a minute-long clip set to music. Social media and my […]
Archives for October 2018
Allowing Teams to Trade Draft Picks Would Address MLB’s Tanking Problem
Over and over again, analysts have lamented Major League Baseball’s tanking problem. A tanking team, for those unfamiliar with the term, directs all of its resources toward building for the future. Instead of trying to compete for the playoffs, the team in question jettisons its veteran regulars in exchange for young talent. While this strategy […]
The Young, Gifted, and Dead: What Happens When an Artist Dies Prematurely?
Two days after twenty-year-old Floridian rapper XXXTentacion was shot in Miami during a robbery, his final music video was released. “SAD!”, slickly produced and full of rather obvious symbolism, opens on a pair of eyes, and then with X himself strolling down the aisle of a church. As he approaches an open casket at the […]
The Disaster of No-Deal Brexit
Every single day, Britain seems to be teetering closer and closer towards a cliff-edge. That cliff-edge is the ‘no-deal scenario’, which will happen if Britain does not secure an agreement to withdraw from the European Union by March 30, 2019. On this date, the UK will cease to be a member of the EU, and […]