Drake and Apple Music teamed up to sell you a product. Thankfully, they had fun with it – using nostalgia, infectious dancing, and the power of memes.
Richard Zuley: The Interrogator
“I’m going to do everything I’m allowed to break you.” Between moments of agony and unyielding interrogation, Mouhamedou Ould Slahi lies waiting in his cold Guantanamo Bay cell, anticipating his torturer’s arrival and praying fruitlessly for his unlikely release. Since 2002, Slahi has been rotting in Guantanamo Bay, awaiting charges, and living as a daily […]
Steal from the Rich, Kill the Poor
It is January 2015 and the rattle of heavy gunfire and the screech of motor-bikes resound from the outskirts of Maiduguri, Nigeria’s northeast capital city. Armed insurgents of the Islamic terrorist organization Boko Haram clash with Nigeria’s poorly equipped military. The soldiers are tired, discouraged, and overwhelmed by the ferocity of this terrorist insurgency. Hours pass […]
Ebola Today. Ebola Tomorrow.
When a sickness exits the body, it generally departs with some good courtesy. The symptoms eventually fade, and after an adequate amount of rest and recovery, the body falls back into its old routine. Yet, once Ebola leaves Sierra Leone and fades from the headlines, what mark will it leave on the people it once […]
Sustainable Development Goals and the Private Sector
Saving the world is going to cost us a lot of money. Many people working in development, realizing this cold hard truth, have noticed the private sector – protecting troves of resources and piles of moneybags. The solution becomes clear, and the problems associated with it even clearer: can the goals of the private sector […]
Ferguson, Dissent, and Containment: Militarized and Racialized Policing in the United States
Following police officer Darren Wilson’s murder of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in August of this year, national media attention has been directed toward racial profiling in a supposedly post-racial America, as well as the excessively forceful response of law enforcement to demonstrations following Michael Brown’s killing. The unrest in Ferguson has […]