College Committees serve as a mechanism through which students offer input on a variety of issues. Bowdoin Student Government interviews students for membership on the following committees. The by-laws of the College allow for a high degree of student involvement in College governance. Students are voting members of nearly all trustee committees and are representatives at meetings of the Executive Committee and of the full Board of Trustees.
Click here to apply
N.B.: Applications will be due at 5pm on Sunday, 5 May 2013.
Questions? Contact Allen Wong Yu ’14, Vice President-elect for Student Government Affairs
Description of College Committees
Committee of the Trustees
- Academic Affairs Committee: Concerned with all matters relating to the educational program of the College, the faculty (including appointments, promotions, tenure and salary) and the Library, Museum of Art, Peary Macmillan Arctic Museum, and information technology. (1 student alternate*, same as the member of the Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee below)
- Admissions and Financial Aid: Oversees all matters related to the recruitment and admission of students to the College, policies and procedures for financial aid, and financial aid policies in relation to the financial resources of the College. (1 student member and 1 alternate)
- Development and College Relations: Reviews capital needs of the College and consults with the College administration regarding the appropriate steps for securing the funds required; it also oversees the alumni affairs and communication activities of the College. (1 student member and 1 alternate)
- Facilities and Properties: Oversees the maintenance, improvement, security and protection of the College’s physical plant and equipment and new capital projects. (1 student member)
- Information Technology Advisory Committee: (2 student members)
- Multicultural Affairs: Considers matters pertaining to the academic and social experience of students, faculty, and staff of color with a particular focus on the recruitment and retention of students from diverse backgrounds. Also addresses other issues that relate directly to making Bowdoin a more diverse and pluralistic campus. (2 student members, same as those on the Advisory Committee for a Diverse Community below)
Faculty Governance Committees
- Advisory Committee for a Diverse Community: Advises offices in charge of supporting the diverse identity groups that constitute our campus community, on matters pertaining to the academic and social experience of students, faculty and staff. Advises primarily on issues related to gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and social or geographical origin. (4 student members, 2 also appointed to Multicultural Affairs Trustee Committee)
- Bias Incident Group: Meets at in response to an incident of bias in any form, whether discrimination, harassment, or other intolerance for the purpose of sharing all facts available at the time and designing a course of action appropriate to the incident. (2 student members)
- Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee: Responsible for broad oversight of the curriculum, and for proposing changes in academic policy and degree requirements for consideration by the faculty. Brings proposals to the faculty about policy including college-wide changes to major/minor requirements, changes to college-wide distribution requirements, and other large-scale curricular policy matters. (1 student member, also appointed to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Trustees, and 1 alternate*)
- Curriculum Implementation Committee: Oversees curricular implementation, including: approval of all new and revised courses, revisions to individual majors/minors, implementation and evaluation of distribution requirements. Oversees off-campus study curricular issues. Evaluates and approves self-designed majors. Oversees the execution of policies re: grading, honors, transfer of credit and progress towards degree. (2 student member and 1 alternate*)
- Lectures and Concerts: Awards funds to support lectures, concerts, exhibitions, and other events relating to the academic and cultural life of the College. (2 student member)
- Library Committee: Advises the College Librarian regarding library policies, procedures, and the development of the library collection. (2 student members)
- Bowdoin College Museum of Art Advisory Council: Advises the Director of the Museum of Art on policy regarding governance, programs, collections, facilities, and planning. Also serves as review committee for proposed purchases and offered gifts of art for the collection. (1 student member and 1 alternate)
- Oversight Committee on Multicultural Affairs: Examines issues and concerns related to the condition of minority students, faculty and staff at Bowdoin. The committee focuses primarily on issues pertaining to students of color. (2 student members, same as those on the Multicultural Affairs Committee of the Trustees)
- Recording Committee: Interprets and applies current academic policies, determines academic standing, reviews petitions re: academic standing, grading options, and transfer credit. (2 student members and 1 alternate)
- Student Appeals and Grievances: Reviews J-Board decisions. Can either uphold J-Board decision, direct the Dean of Student Affairs to take appropriate action, or direct the J-Board to reconsider the case. Addresses student complaints of discrimination on the basis of a federally protected class. (2 student members and 1 alternate)
- Teaching Resources Subcommittee: Administers course development grants. Oversees the development of teaching: engaging speakers, organizing workshops, supervising the teaching mentorship program, etc. (2 student members and 1 alternate)
*Alternates marked with an * only attend meetings when another student representative is absent.