Author: Elliott Ewell
10/18 BSG Assembly Notes
Attendance: Paul Wang Anyi Sun Kaya Patel Mundo Ortiz Alvarez Cash Reynolds Zahren York Elliott Ewell Angelica Gordon Temi Agunloye Nyla Danzy Ollie Tannahil Timmy Ignacio Sachin Maharaj Brandon Lozano Garay Eman Okyere Abigail Martin Danielle Lancaster Alex Kruse Sadie New Alejandro Ramos John Donoghue Harper Stevenson Melissa Su Camila Eljuri Eisa Rafat Liliana Restrepo…
10/11 BSG Assembly Notes
10/11 BSG Meeting Assembly Notes Orient Writer – Abdullah Hashimi Roll Call: Anyi Brandon LG PW E-Man Abigail Martin Vincent Chen Eisa Rafat Kaya Patel John Donoghue Alejandro Ramos Cash Money Reynolds Danielle Lancaster Melissa Su Ugne Stasiukynaite Chase Lenk Edmundo Ortiz the 5th – Mundo – Moon Dog Ollie Tannahill Camila Eljuri Sadie…
10/4 BSG Assembly Notes
Introductions Members of the BSG assembly introduced themselves to the larger group as a way to start fostering a sense of community and familiarity Discussion on the Orient article Abigail: the article was kind to BSG and reveals that there is a lot of behind-the-scenes work Eisa: we should transform BSG’s presence to something that…