Why was recall removed from the proposed constitution?
Elliott: In the old constitution there was recall in which students can vote to remove people from office. It was removed because there are no specifications on how to undergo the process.
Why was there no communication about this change?
Eisa: We communicated with the Orient and put out the old and new constitution to the student body
Why are you establishing a precedent of violating the constitution?
Eisa: The integrity of the document is no longer. The constitution has not been used in the way in which it was intended.
Vincent: The old constitution would not allow us to pursue many of our current initiatives
Jonathan: Historical lack of continuity between old and new BSG. Working to change that
Jonathan [Academic Affairs]: 750 survey responses. Still working through them
Max [SAFC]: Still some money left. Determined timeline for rest of spring
Harper [Student Affairs]: Working on Ivies logistics.
Nolan: The first Sunday of HL snacks went well. Cookies were gone by 7
[D&I]: DEI email sent out this week
Vincent [SOOC]: Finalized rechartering form
Angelica [Facilities and Sustainability]: Working on transportation flyers; one about buses and how to use it, as well as an overall flyer. Hope to have it out post-Spring break.
Lucia/Oscar: Dining updates: seriously considering sleeves for cups. No pastry bags will be offered because of the to go policy. Wanted us to communicate a general awareness of behavior at Supers.
Elliott: Only going to have buses on Friday due to costs. Will transport about 70 students
Eisa: Going to postpone the constitution vote. Will take it next week
Max: We should vote tonight. Motion to end debate and motion to cloture
Elliott: Will be voting no. Owe it to students to have recall
Sadie: To clarify, recall will happen next week regardless?
Elliott: Need a 2/3 vote to end debate and need 4/5 vote for constitution to pass
[FAILS] Needed 17 yeses to pass; only got 15
Meeting adjourned