Rachel Lord Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
Bowdoin Hillel uses the recently renovated Ladd House, along with other groups, for activities. The space is frequently used for Shabbat meals and smaller Hillel gatherings.
Thanks to generous donations we were able to commission a spectacular ark (aron kodesh) in the Summer of 2005.
The ark was designed by David Israel (Bowdoin Academic Technology Department) with support from Judith Maslin. The design was executed by the extraordinary Brunswick woodworker, Eric Koehler. ( koehlerwoodworks.com). Parochet (curtains and torah mantle) were designed and crafted by the late Eugenia King (Library).
The ark is a 2 piece affair that is crafted out of cherry. The exterior is a subtle arts and crafts design that opens to reveal the ten commandments in a traditional way of depicting them.
Daggett Lounge
Daggett Lounge, in Thorne Hall, is a memorial to Athern P. Daggett ’25, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Constitutional and International Law and Government and acting president in 1967-1968. It is a large, warm space, and plays host to our High Holiday services every fall.