Carved into the calendar of my mind and every sinew of my muscle are the days of late September. There exist the memories of him and marks of tears cried in silence and minds gone astray of newspapers he ordered in secret and soiled shoes of spam calls and spring colds of musty […]
The waterwheel has seen fresh rain and turns until it quits the mill, and joins the sunny stream, the waters do not judge its rusted nails and mold: such joy in growing old! The wheel has turned and now the leaves have opened on their fiery show; the world must move, those flame-drops fall and […]
Reality is unbending over my eyelids. The tides tattoo my ankles and I close my eyes on the highway so they can take the wheel from the tremors of my grasp and carry me home. My recklessness is a child I hold by the hand and lead through the thinning aisles of the grocery store. […]
hey, lover / jesus of smoky sighs / grieving wind / liquorice cigarettes / white skirts and daddy’s gun / do you still cut your face / out of photos / every picture / a shadow / of a shadow / of a boy with / golden veins / shark bites in the morning / […]
Coming of Age
Oh, if only we had knownhow soon the oceans would turn to foam,dried seabed wisping into dust;we become it, it becomes us. A friendship like ours appeared so realbut its imprints could never harden to steelaround the words we once had sworn.My hair once let long, now freshly shornwith an old ax of yours, brandished […]
Satire, Sarcasm
Satire-Sarcasm (PDF)
As If To Say
As-If-To-Say (PDF)
Wants and Needs
“More people die of unenlightened self interest, than of any other disease.” – Parable of the Talents