Thank you to the nearly 200 students who attended! If you were not able to join us, you may view the full Uncommon Hour talk by clicking here.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the nominations for Uncommon Hour!
Our first Uncommon Hour speaker is…
Associate Professor of Government & Asian Studies
To Be at Home in All Lands?
Does the Internet Make Nations Irrelevant?
Friday, 29 March at 12:30pm
Main Lounge – Moulton Union
Professor Laurence will talk about the ways in which the internet and social media are eroding and reinforcing national differences in political, social and cultural life, drawing on his current research on the impact of globalization on news media in Britain, Japan and the US. He will also share some personal stories about cultural assimilation and the ups and downs of trying to teach Bowdoin students how to Be At Home In All Lands.