All meeting summaries available to us are linked below. See what we have been up to recently and email [email protected] if you have any questions!
Nominations for Student Lecture Series “Food for Thought” Now Open
Food for Thought is a new lecture series run by the BSG’s Academic Affairs Committee to help showcase students who have something interesting to share with their peers. First and foremost, Food For Thought is a study break (with study snacks!)….
BSG Assembly and Minutes: 10/24/12
Below you will find the Agenda and Minutes for the BSG Assembly Meeting on 10/24/12 Minutes (10/24/12) Minutes Appendix (10/24/12) Agenda (10/24/12)
BSG Assembly Agenda and Minutes: 10/17/12
Below you will find the Agenda and Minutes for the BSG Assembly Meeting on 10/17/12 Agenda (10/17/12) Minutes (10/17/12)
BSG Assembly Agenda And Minutes: 10/10/12
Below you will find the Agenda and Minutes for the BSG Assembly Meeting on 10/10/12 Agenda (10/10/12) Agenda Appendix (10/10/12) Minutes (10/10/12)
New Event/Trip Planning Checklists for Club Leaders
The Student Organizations Committee just finished work on a pair of infographics to help club leaders better understand and deal with the event/trip planning processes…