Paul Wang
Anyi Sun
Brandon Lozano Garay
Danielle Lancaster
Chase Lenk
Abigail Martin
Sachin Maharaj
Alex Kruse
Vincent Chen
Niña Ramores
Sadie New
Eisa Rafat
John Donoghue
Mundo Ortiz Alvarez
Harper Stevenson
Alejandro Ramos
Camila Eljuri
Ollie Tannahil
Nyla Danzy
Temi Agunloye
Melissa Su
Chelsea Moody
Elliott Ewell
Cash Reynolds
Eman Okyere
Zahren York
Timmy Ignacio
Liliana Restrepo
Call to order and reflection on last meeting
- Cash: We are implementing the idea of overnight mail – starting off the meeting with an opportunity to share any lingering comments on last week’s meeting
- Paul: Was happy with how many people came; best BSG meeting public turnout in a while
- Mundo: It was clear President Zaki included what she heard at the meeting in her email; speaks to BSG’s impact on community
- Sachin: BREEZ is free for the next 6 months
Committee Reports
Student Affairs
- Edmundo: Working on bridging a connection between Bowdoin and Brunswick; met with Sandra Hayes, who is looking forward to seeing more student involvement with Counseling and the Health Center
Student Organizations Oversight Committee
- Alex: SOOC has their first meeting last Friday; approved Quill as a literary magazine; now have a full committee; the club application for new clubs is on the first page of CampusGroups
Academic Affairs
- Abigail: Hoping to meet with Dean Scanlon as whole committee; planning a forum between first years and sophomores and upperclassmen representing different majors
Facilities & Sustainability
- Brandon: Laundry; charging stations have been implemented – waiting for two weeks to ensure they are functioning, planning for SAD lamps as it gets darker
Student Activities Funding Committee
- Danielle: SAFC now has a full committee
Proposals to Vote
Paul: It will be a blind voting system, in contrast to previous years
- 2324–1: Fund and institutionalize BSG Office Hours
- Motion passes
- 2324–2: Transfer funding to the Yellow Bike Club for operational expenses – unanimous motion passes
- Motion passes
- 2324–3: BSG funding to support English and Asian Studies Department Speaker (Ocean Vuong)
- Motion passes
- 2324–4: Creation of BSG Board of Directors
- Motion passes
- 2324–5: Statement on Halloween Cultural Appropriation, 9/11 Memorial
- Motion passes – email will be written by BSG
- 2324–6: Create and fund staff positions for Bowdoin Course Reviews Development – unanimous motion passes
- Motion passes
Report from ad hoc Communications Committee
- Elliot: Creating BSG’s identity through design; creating guidelines that allow creativity, show the committee is from BSG/what committee, and are minimal
- The meeting was adjourned early