11/29 BSG Assembly Notes


Paul Wang

Anyi Sun

Brandon Lozano Garay

Sachin Maharaj

Abigail Martin

Eisa Rafat

Kaya Patel

Niña Ramores

Mundo Ortiz Alvarez

Harper Stevenson

Alejandro Ramos

Angelica Gordon

Camila Eljuri

Elliott Ewell

Cash Reynolds

Sadie New

Melissa Su

Chase Lenk

Zahren York

Temi Agunloye

Eman Okyere

Ollie Tannahil

Alex Kruse

Liliana Restrepo


Call to Order

Committee Announcements (by request)

Facilities & Sustainability

  • Brandon: Sanitary door handles have been installed in Smith; laundry sheets have been packed, and ResLife will be distributing them to laundry rooms
  • Elliott: Had the dining meeting on Monday; feedback was received, something that hasn’t happened in a few years – peanut butter pie crust, chocolate soft serve, vegan/vegetarian options were the main points

Diversity & Inclusion

  • Sachin: Class presidents got email from Marcus Gadsen on Student Belonging Survey workshop


  • Mundo: Thank you to Paul for his work this semester
  • Paul: Thank you to Ollie and Timmy for helping at the hockey event – $4500 raised; another thank you to Cash, Mundo, and Camila for distributing faculty handouts on Sunday
  • Paul: 1537 responses to survey were received; 97% were in support of a week-long break; faculty will be voting at the meeting on Friday at 2:20
  • Cash: Mobility of the student body has been incredible, in part thanks to people here at assembly and committee meetings

Agenda to Vote (to be voted on next week)

Proposal 2023-10: Create ad hoc committee for providing break programming / outreach

  • Eman Okyere: BSG is an important student advocacy group that has the resources to facilitate student-led programs and publicize critical information during break
  • Kaya Patel: Howell has had difficulty getting funding for this event in the past– student organizations might be more inclined to put on similar event if they had guaranteed funding
  • Harper: Which breaks would this be for?
    • Eman: Can decide later, but mainly Thanksgiving and Spring
  • Cash: Spring break was boring last year, with little to no programming for students
  • Paul: Students know best what programming other students want


Proposal 2023–9: Fund and create BSG Fund for Affinity group Kickoff events

  • Niña Ramores: these amendments would provide a $250 fund per affinity group to access should they need it; this money would be allocated and managed by the Center for Multicultural Life (CML)
  • Alex: How would this affect SAFC funding?
    • Niña: Would likely supplement
  • Mundo: Perhaps there are deeper structural issues within the SAFC
  • Alex: How many affinity groups on campus?
    • Niña: 20 within CML
  • Alex: Would it be more beneficial for the funding to come from the SAFC?
    • Niña: This is specific to affinity groups, might benefit from BSG; addresses equity
  • Paul: Perhaps schedule a meeting with Danielle, head of SAFC, who isn’t present


Break for committee discussions

