Paul Wang
Anyi Sun
Brandon Lozano Garay
Mundo Ortiz Alvarez
Abigail Martin
Elliott Ewell
Alejandro Ramos
Chase Lenk
Zahren York
Sachin Maharaj
Eleanor Donahue
Ollie Tannahil
Timmy Ignacio
Kelly Shi
Eisa Rafat
Melissa Su
Ugne Stasiukynaite
Kaya Patel
Alex Kruse
Harper Stevenson
Eva Sola-Sole
Niña Ramores
Danielle Lancaster
Cash Reynolds
Camila Eljuri
Liliana Restrepo
Call to Order
Meeting Speaker: President Zaki
- President Zaki said she is trying to be present, taking this first year to observe
- She has been engaging with the alumni body, holding events in NYC, Boston, LA, San Francisco, and Naples
- She is getting to know the operations of the College and says they are well-run
- She is thinking about what to do better and what to do differently
- She made sure to meet with all department and program chairs
- Harper: What are your thoughts on the turnover in the Office of the Deans, such as with Dean Lohmann and Dean Quinby
- President Zaki: Trying not to panic, but knows people need to step away; their work is often overlooked
- Mundo: How are Bowdoin students different from Williams students?
- President Zaki: More open-hearted; take care of each other
- Brandon: Plan for strategic planning?
- President Zaki: There is a 5-year campus building plan
- Eva Sola-Sole: As an educator, what part of campus needs the most care?
- President Zaki: Determining if there are enough opportunities for students to have access to courses they want; if curricula is most cutting-edge; if doing enough in data science and computer science; if doing enough in humanities
- Sadie: What have you learned from conversations with alumni?
- President Zaki: Only when started digging into history of Bowdoin did she learn how recent it’s been since women had seat at table at the college; also how fascinated alumni are by current students’ experiences
- Melissa: Thoughts on counseling and wellness services, especially given the new director?
- President Zaki: As a psychologist, she knows there is a mental health crisis; letting the new director settle in
- Elliott: How has the overruling of affirmative action impacted Bowdoin?
- President Zaki: Don’t know yet and won’t know until after waitlist closes and officially out of application phase
- Paul: What do you see as successful college advocacy/BSG?
- President Zaki: Enjoyed the conversation and campaign surrounding Thanksgiving; as well as the response after the recent power outage; there is a partnership that is possible between student government and administration
- A student from the student body asked about why the College has hired Littler Mendelson amidst the ResLife unionization effort instead of voluntarily accepting the union and using the money to pay student workers
- President Zaki: Did not hire Littler Mendelson specifically because they are a union-busting law firm; the firm was recommended by other institutions, some of which have voluntarily accepted their student unionization efforts; always would need legal representation in this situation; will have the vote and if ResLife student workers vote in favor of the union, then it will exist
Updates from committees
- Elliott: Food suggesting meeting with Dining on April 2nd in Thorne Mitchell North room
Updates on eclipse glasses
- Submitted purchase today for 350 glasses; want to know how to distribute them
- Harper: Smith might be best, and could send out email letting people know
- Sachin: Should also have some available on the day of
Updates from Ivies Planning Committee
- Going to work on getting free water bottles
- Still need some hosts
- Paul: Trying to have more ownership over event as students
- Sadie: Could reach out to trained College House e-hosts
- Will be food trucks
Reminder about upcoming elections
- Last info session tomorrow