To provide an invaluable opportunity to explore and engage with many disciplines of contemporary scientific research and issues, within and extending out of Bowdoin College, through interdisciplinary science journalism and publication.
Our Hopes
Recent events have made it clear that scientific literacy is required to be an engaged, thoughtful citizen of the modern world. Science is for everyone. It should be communicated clearly and thoroughly. We strive to encourage thoughtful and interdisciplinary scientific thinking in an accessible and exciting manner. We wish to engage science and non-science students alike, fostering dialogue between the two groups and enhancing the educational experience of both.
We hope to encourage students to dive into the many facets of science and engage with current issues revolving around science. By offering different perspectives and lenses of scientific thinking, we wish to enrich people’s understanding of the world around them. We aim to grow as students in the sciences by learning more about these issues and sharing this knowledge with others. Our target audience for these publications are students, faculty, alumni, and community members affiliated with Bowdoin College, as well as any individual who is seeking to learn more about the science that governs the world around us.